Winter 2015 - Final Contributors: Ben Coon (story); Donna M. Davis (poems); Heath Brougher (poem); Joan McNerney (poem); John Grey (poem); Lorna Pominville (poems); Norma West Linder (poem); Paul Davis (poem); Sara Etgen-Baker (story); Teresa Karlinski (story); Yuan Changming (poem)


Spring (Reading schedule starts January 1 | Deadline: March 5)
Can include content for the following holidays:
  • St. Patrick's Day
  • Easter
  • Mother's Day
  • Father's Day 
Summer (Reading schedule starts April 1/Deadline: May 31)
Can include content for the following holidays:
  • Canada Day / Independence Day
  • Labour Day (Canada)
Fall (Reading schedule starts July 1/Deadline: Sept 31)
Can include content for the following holidays:
  • Remembrance Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
Winter (Reading schedule starts October 1 | Deadline: Nov 30)
Can Include content for the following holidays:
  • Christmas
  • New Year's Eve/Day
  • Valentine's Day

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